Vintage Erotica from Streynj Muffin

I don't normally give much thought to vintage (sorry vintage sellers on etsy). If I find something vintage I like, okay, but I dont normally search it out. THIS vintage, though, stuck out like a sore thumb (I dont even remember what I was searching for...but it wasnt this, I assure you). Streynj Muffin shops have lots of vintage stuff... and vintage erotica! Its like stumbling into your grandma's toy chest tucked under her bed when she has gone to bingo. A little scary, but fascinating! This upholds my idea that you can find ANYTHING on etsy.


  1. I have a friend who collects vintage erotica. You just foud me her Christmas gift! Thanks! I love it! :)

  2. I am so glad I could help you find the perfect gift!


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